Change Log

Product updates and announcements.

New Trading Features and Optimized Transaction Records

@Mest TeamOctober 11, 20230 reads

Mest supports DEX trading and has fully optimized the trade history experience

Import Multiple Wallets at Once

@Mest TeamSeptember 13, 20230 reads

Now you have the capability to import several wallets simultaneously using our new batch import feature.

Wallet List Search

@Mest TeamAugust 29, 20230 reads

Users can search for wallet lists they are interested in or those that are popular within Explore. The search capability of Explore is continuously improving.

Explore Channel

@Mest TeamAugust 7, 20230 reads

Now, simply publicize your wallet list to display it in the Explore channel

NFT Transactions

@Mest TeamJuly 27, 20230 reads

Mest supports NFT transactions, invitation code, and wallet list. We've also expanded address transaction limits for tracking more wallets.

Onchain News

@Mest TeamJuly 6, 20230 reads

Onchain News keeps you focused valuable transactions, and don’t miss any alpha opportunities.

RC Phase II

@Mest TeamJune 21, 20230 reads

Over the past two weeks we have added a variety of interactions within the Mest Dashboard, to help make managing wallets and collections easier and more convenient for users.